The Channel Islands Animation Studio is a club, formed by President Justin Lee Bradley, and Vice-President Val Prado in the Fall of 2017. VP would later be filled by Mik-L Borens.
The Studio's purpose is to help students find their field of preference in Animation (Script Writing, Storyboarding, Animating, etc.), and to help them gain experience in their chosen field. The CI Animation Studio was fully backed by Kathleen Quaife (Professor at CSUCI, and Effects Animator [having worked for Don Bluth and Disney Animation]), and was endorsed by Professor Liz King.
Justin was sitting President until his graduation in Spring 2020
Images below: Justin and Val tabling their club at the CSUCI Clubs/Organizations Fair (left), and the club as it stands with most of its current members inside Napa Hall, Room 1180 (right).